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Jennifer (Mom/Blogger)

Jennifer is a 30-something-year-old mom of five children. She grew up in the public school system until her parents found her an alternative education method when she was 16 years old after threatening to drop out of the local public school. She originally planned on her children being in the public school, but after learning more about homeschooling, she realized this was the path she would choose.

Daniel (Dad/Bread-Winner)

Daniel is a 30-something-year-old dad to five children and husband to Jennifer. He works full-time to support his family, and still finds time to make fun memories with them all. He loves the Lord with his whole heart and hopes to someday start his own church in his own community, but while waiting for God’s timing is pouring his heart into their local church and into his family.

Charity (The oldest child)

Charity is a pre-teen who wishes she was NOT the oldest child. She is a big helper with her younger siblings, and often volunteers to help when not asked, but she likes her space and privacy. She enjoys math, hates writing, and tolerates reading. She enjoys baking, piano, and arts and crafts. Recently, however, Legos have become her number one passion and she is working on a YouTube channel showing others how to re-create her masterpieces.

Kirsten (The oldest middle child?)

Kirsten is slightly younger than Charity, although some people think she may be older. She is very much the opposite of Charity in that she loves reading and writing but absolutely despises math! Her current favorite books include the Dork Diaries, and biographies about famous female Americans. She loves helping out with the baby and has been learning how to cook. She prefers building things with her hands rather than doing paper-type crafts. She is also the most spiritually-minded of all of the kids. She regularly asks deep philosophical questions that often require her parents to research before being able to answer.

Makayla (The middle child)

Typical of a middle child, Makayla often believes she gets the short end of the stick. She’s not big enough to use the stove alone, but she’s too big to get carried in from the car when she falls asleep. She is very early in elementary school and is struggling to learn how to read. She is highly skilled at mathematics however, and impressed her parents at an early age with her natural abilities with numbers. She absolutely adores babies and animals, but is quite shy in new situations. She is the cuddler of the family, always wanting to sit on someone’s lap and always willing to give a hug when it’s needed.

Abigail (The youngest middle child?)

Abigail is a preschooler who thinks she’s a “big kid.” She loves being with Jennifer and stays with her as much as she possibly can. She brings so much laughter to the family with her crazy antics and unexpected questions. But she’s also prone to getting her feelings hurt easily and is still learning what is and isn’t socially acceptable. She loves being read to, and has especially been enjoying Dr. Seuss. She enjoys Play-doh, and coloring, although occasionally she prefers walls rather than paper.

Isabella (The baby)

While more of a toddler than a baby now, Isabella (Izzie) is a tough little thing. She has a slight speech delay, but has no trouble letting you know exactly what she wants (or should I say demands?). She loves animals of all kinds and seems to naturally draw them to her. She is quite timid of new things, and often has to be strongly encouraged to touch new textures, or warm up to new people. Once she warms up, however, she is a very animated, funny, adorable, ball of joy.